Receive care in the comfort and safety of your home!
MedNorth Health Center is now offering telehealth visits. Telehealth is access to your primary care and behavioral health care provider by “video chat.”
Having a Telehealth appointment with your provider requires:
1. A Smartphone (Google/Samsung Android or IPhone), OR a computer/tablet with microphone and camera.
Before your appointment, a link will be sent to you via text message to access your secure telehealth visit.
If you would like further information or want to schedule a telehealth appointment, please call/text 910-343-0270 or email us at

Why Using Telehealth Is Important During the COVID-19 Pandemic
There are a lot of reasons why it’s important to keep seeing your health care provider even while North Carolina’s Stay at Home order is in effect to slow the spread of COVID-19. Across North Carolina, insurance companies, including Medicaid and Medicare, are covering your telehealth visits. It is a two-way office visit from the comfort of your home using a computer, tablet, smart phone or other technology. Learn more about telehealth by watching this video.
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